Perseverance Strength and Conditioning




毅力力量和条件提供团体健身课程和个性化, fit-for-purpose coaching for individual students, 他们的家庭, and the Solebury school 工作人员 (for us, everyone is a student). 我们的辅导是收费的专业服务(可获得奖学金). Our eng年龄ments satisfy the school’s activity credit requirement. Most importantly, they are fun and effective!

  • Meet every student where they are
  • Support the student in developing (an empowering) perspective

We are all heroes—and not just of our own narrative. 坚持不懈的力量和条件是个人的力量,将挑战转化为资产,并表达了索伯里的使命, both inside and outside the classroom. 我们的指导是针对“整个”人在索伯里的整个旅程. Emphasizing self-advocacy skills, we are committed to broadening the educational experience, promoting self-assurance, and positive social interaction. 我们的指导使您的学生具备在学业上取得成功所必需的心态和方法, and to develop socially and emotionally. 我们的目标是让我们的学生走上健康的生活和个人成功的道路.

To effectively produce desired, 可持续发展的, even unimaginable results, 运动指导(又名健身/力量和调节)是与维持和心态工作相结合的. We call these the 3 Pillars.
我们的个性化指导从对三大支柱的全面评估开始. 利用评估,我们设计了一个为期三个月的培训之旅,包括面对面和虚拟部分. 我们所有的报价(个人或团体)都是动态的,可以根据需要或要求立即切换到完全虚拟的参与.


This pillar is expressed through learning how our bodies move, 没有痛苦, in order to perform at their best. We design movement programs geared to each student’s unique goals, 从提高整体健康水平到提高运动相关技能, to developing 年龄ncy and effectiveness. With the foundation of a strong, 健康的身体,我们可以有效地完成我们的目标,灵活地追求我们的愿望.

Every machine needs the proper maintenance and fuel, so this pillar is all about the things that sustain us—body and soul. 我们专注于如何有效地喂养我们的身体和思想,这样我们才能有效地运动,成为最好的自己. 具体地说, 我们教育和指导我们的学生的领域和工具,燃料和帮助保持他们的积极生活:睡眠, 营养, 正念, and intellectual and social development. 优美有力的动作离不开适当的支撑.

How one sees the world and our relationship to it, 是什么使我们能够在我们选择的努力中脱颖而出,并应对日常生活的压力. While 运动 and 食物 are key aspects of everyone’s life, 我们认为心态是美好生活的关键因素,也是经常被忽视的因素. 我们的学生开始接受这样一种观念,即他们是自己生活的原动力. 他们培养了一种自信,相信自己有能力创造和掌控自己的成功和失败. 一旦我们的学生定义了他们想要的生活(我们称之为“做最好的自己”), our role is to provide the essential 心态 tools (approaches, 视角, and accountability) they need to achieve it.


几年前,我们开始为索利伯里的运动队提供力量和体能训练. 我们是一个经过教育委员会审查的教练团队,在过去的11年里一直与私立学校合作. 我们相信我们所做的是基础性的,我们表达它的方式也在不断发展.

We tap into our individuality and strength.

No judgements, just juice.

The power of two: the student and us.


At its core, coaching is simply an idea. Because ideas know no boundaries of space and time, we can harness their power in every conversation and each eng年龄ment; be it in-person at the Solebury 运动 center or virtually.

如果您想询问具体的教练提供毅力力量和条件提供, 或登记, please contact a coach at